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Which Windows OS is best for TIS2000 install? 64 bit possible?

· car diagnostic tool

BEFORE installing the TIS2000 Software... it will work just fine. Remember that THIS machine deserves to be a Dedicated Computer... with nothing else in the way of any after-market Software that might interfere with the installation, operation and behavior of the TIS2000 Software... Before...During and After the CD(s) are installed.

TIS2000 software: (GM, Opel)

READ THE CONTENTS OF BOTH TIS2000 DISKS BEFORE YOU START THIS INSTALLATION... THEN PRINT AND READ ALL OF THE "README" FILES FIRST... AS YOU WILL NEED TO DO SOME MINOR CONFIG OR DLL FILES EDIT(S) THAT JUST INVOLVES A SIMPLE "COPY-REPLACE" OF ONE FILE IN PARTICULAR... and so... not having to stop and browse about the HD DURING the installation to sort this out will help ease your mind about this. Perform that File R&R AFTER a Successful Installation of TIS2000 Suite onto your HP Laptop.

Prior to the TIS2000 Installation, You should go into your "Devices" Menu and Disable any and all of your Wireless and Hard Line RJ-45 Ethernet Components... you do not have to remove them... just Disable them all, While you are in there... make sure that your Serial Port and all Com Ports (Com1, Com2, Com3, etc...) are ENABLED and make a note of their order and status as being Enabled... both in the Devices Section AND in your BIOS, too! (Very Important Thing To Do). Unless you intend to pay ACdelco for a TISTIDS (TISWEB) Subscription for the very Latest Models of GM Vehicles... There is No Reason to have to Go On Line when using your "GYMKO" Scanner for ordinary PCM and Module Updates.

The reason the later (64) Bit Versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10 Flavors will NOT work for the TIS2000 Installation ... is because they no longer support (16) Bit and (32) Bit Program Installer Applications without performing some very exotic programming leaps through hoops to awaken that feature... Hence... Windows XP-Pro SP3... is the EOL for the OS able to recognize the 32-cum-16 Bit installation requirements involved.

And just to give a better explanation of What all these limitations involve...and WHY they exist... Way Back When... GM , ACDElco and Hewlett Packard put their collective coconuts together to transition from the Old Tech1 over to the "NEW" Tech2... and some Short-Sighted, Penny-Pinching Jackass on their team decided he could Brown Nose "The Corp" little by saving a Few Pennies on The Dollar short-sheeting the need for an Updated Binary Software Installer Application Layer...which followed on the heals of the Tech1. That conversation sounded something like THIS:

"Look... There's no sense in spending any more money on Software or Technical Support than we really need to... so we're going to use the older 16 Bit Model of the Application Installer for New TIS2000 Software.... Just like the Old Tech1 had ... and we'll save some Money doing it that way..."

I hope this long and drawn out explanation edifies on why there was a break point for the Windows OS... beginning and ending with the only 32 Bit and 64 Bit flavors that would tolerate this 'installation regression'. They simply did not want to pay Programmers to prepare and have the Binary Hexadecimal Data String Read/Right Mechanisms updated using newer (32) Bit Code for the 1996 and later flavors of Windows Operating System.

This is from Which Windows OS is best for TIS2000 install? 64 bit possible?